Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Reflecting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 3

Reflecting - Essay Example However, I attained this skill through developing a plan of study time and adequate rest breaks that allowed me to concentrate during my work and avoid any distractions (Forsyth 39). In this case, I will capable of utilizing the library for my study since it offered me ambient environment that is free from noise distractions. A core aspect in managing my time is prioritization of tasks depending on their urgency and importance and I was capable of understanding that important tasks must be granted first priority and most of the time must be devoted towards handling the important tasks that bring the highest benefits to the company (Forsyth 56). In addition, the learning guided me in breaking down tasks so as to accomplish each activity in a progressive manager. This aspect will be useful in my future career since the human resources management functions such as interviewing, recruitment and training are sequential and must be accomplished in a certain progressive pattern that will enable the company to have talented employees (Forsyth 45). Furthermore, I learnt that procrastination hinders time management due to fear of handling the challenging tasks thus leading to time wastage. I believe I will be capable of control distractions such as politics, informal chats and discussions and engage in more challenging work of managing the human resources (Forsyth 67). I have acquired knowledge of how to schedule tasks, set deadlines, avoid stress and persevere by having a positive attitude in my work. In this case, I can schedule the tasks, set challenging and attainable goals, and remain committed to meeting the set deadlines without encountering work-related stress in my career (Forsyth 82). I believe success in my future career will require me to remain assertive and stress-free in handling human resources issues. Composition-1 has taught me the importance of starting early

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Relationship Between Staff Motivation and Performance

Relationship Between Staff Motivation and Performance INTRODUCTION Shortages can be a symptom of demotivation, poor management and lack of organizational support (Zurn et al., 2005). Shortages are resulting in heavy workload, which is a precursor to job stress, and burnout, which have also been linked to low job motivation. Nurses job motivation is an elusive concept, which is defined within its extrinsic and intrinsic values (Cowin, 2002). Extrinsic values encompass the tangible aspects of the job including wages, benefits and bonuses, whereas intrinsic values include status, recognition, personal and professional development opportunities, and other similar factors (Cowin, 2002). Reasons for nurse demotivation have been well documented in the nursing literature. Such reasons include lack of involvement in decision-making, poor relationship with management, low salaries and poor benefits, lack of job security, poor recognition and lack of flexibility in scheduling (Albaugh,2003). Nurse demotivation has been also linked to emotional exhaustion and b urnout, Which can affect patient outcomes (Aiken et al., 1997). Furthermore Shields Ward (2001) and Tzeng (2002) has also stated that improper motivation is a primary predictor of nurses intent to leave (Shields Ward, 2001; Tzeng, 2002). A study conducted in the United States presented evidence showing that demotivated nurses were 65% more likely to have intent to leave compared to the motivated counterparts (Shields Ward, 2001). Other predictors of intent to leave vary from other motivation factors like low salaries and fringe benefits, inflexible work schedule (Coomber Barriball, 2007; Hayes et al, 2006), career advancement prospects (Tzeng, 2002, Rambur et al., 2003), in addition to poor management and job stress (Rambur et al., 2003). Nurses turnover is linked to situational factors (Larrabee et al., 2003) such as low levels of motivation (Tzeng, 2002). It is worth noting that improper motivation has also been found to be a better predictor of intent to leave as compared to the avail ability of other employment opportunities (Shields Ward, 2001; Purani Sahadev 2007). A study by El-Jardali et al. (2007) also found a negative correlation between motivation and intention to leave in Lebanese nurses. Their studys main objective was to examine the impact of motivation as a predictor variable on intention to leave used as dependent variable in the study. The finding of the study reveals that the main cause of the dissatisfaction and hence intention to leave was negatively associated with hospitals motivation schemes such as compensation and incentives (extrinsic rewards). Purani and Sahadev (2007) used motivation with multi-faceted construct as predictor variable and examine its impact on intention to leave among the nurses in India. Assuming one of the role as interaction and communication with clients and patient of both profession is common, their study also used experience as moderating variables to examine how working experience could affect motivation and inte ntion to leave relationship. Purani and Sahadev (2007) found that employees with long stay at workplace had higher level of motivation and would not incline to quit. Their finding also suggested that motivation and intention to leave relationship framework must also have other demographic variables consideration into the model of motivation and intention to leave. Pearson and Chong (1997) also examined the impact of job content and job information on motivation among Malaysian nurses in large public sector hospital. They found that job information is stronger predictor to nurses motivation and therefore argued that intrinsic factors such as job information and organization commitment also influence nurses motivation. However, they did recommend that motivation with information cues available to nurses are crucial to determine nurses motivation which may lead to intent to leave or higher job burnout, if not available. Tzeng (2002) examined the impact of working motivational factors a s well as job satisfaction factors as independent variables on nurses intention to leave in cross-sectional study in Taiwan. He found that low levels of motivation, emotional exhaustion and burnout and to the poor social image of the nursing profession influenced nurses intention to leave in Taiwans hospitals. This study therefore, suggested that motivation is a multi-faceted construct and should have both intrinsic as well as extrinsic factors to measure job satisfaction (Tzeng, 2002). HOW MOTIVATION AFFECTS EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE The extent to which employees are motivated in their work depends on how well those employees are able to provide output in their job. Motivation is expected to have a positive effect on quality performance. Employees who are characterized by a high level of motivation show a higher work and life satisfaction. Having a high level of motivation is therefore in itself valuable for employees and a decrease in motivation might affect employees negatively. The motivation leads to high level of initiative and creativity from the employee and where monitoring is difficult, motivation is therefore extremely important for ensuring high quality performance. In Armco Health Center, the quality of employee performance is measured by three individual measures of employee performance. The first measure of the individual performance items is a self-rating measure of employee performance through a program called SAP. The performance of the employee asks to indicate eight-points scale how well the em ployee is doing the job. The second measure of the performance of the Armco Health Center is the extent to which the nurses are willing to conduct tasks that are not part of their job description. The employees are asked to report on the SAP about their willingness to perform additional tasks that are not expected from them regularly and to think constructively about how the organization they work for could be proved. Last item that measure the performance of the nurses are the number of days they were absent. EMPOWERMENT AND STAFF MOTIVATION Nursing is increasingly broad in scope and encompasses an ever widening range of work behaviors and role responsibilities. However, they work within a climate of uncertainty and disempowerment along with high organizational demands placing them under considerable stress (1,2). This condition threatens both physical and emotional wellbeing of nurses and the profession itself and may results to low nurses commitment which in turn may contribute to disengagement or withdrawal of nurses from their organizations (3,4). Consequently, threatens organizational functioning and the quality care, since low nurses commitment leads to absenteeism or poor performance (5). However, the nurses low commitment is being a problem in many countries, Aiken et al(6) have cautioned that the health care workforce faces the serious risk of losing one in five registered nurse for reasons other than retirement. Supportively, several other studies revealed that the turnover rate for hospital registered nurse is among the highest rates found for professional and technical occupational groups (7,8). In addition, in 2002 the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Health Care Organizations (JCAHO) recorded that current annual registered nurse turnover rates range from 18% to 26% (9). Moreover, Victorian Governmental Department of Human Services Research suggests that at low levels of job satisfaction and organizational commitment, retention of nursing staff is difficult and this in turn increases absenteeism (10). The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, like many other countries is also suffering from nursing low commitment which evidenced by registered nurses high turnover rate and resignation(11). However, some national studies and articles highlighted that governmental sectors in Riyadh city were suffering for many years from high turnover rate of nurses that reached to 70% in some hospitals and resulted in high nurses shortage (12,13) . Along with working condition, salary, nursing disempowerment and uncertainty being cited to explain why the nurses exhibit poor work performance or uncommitted to their organization. In a research conducted by Attree (17) that studies the relationship between nurses perception regarding their control and governance , revealed that registered nurse were dissatisfied with their governance, perceived lack of control over their everyday practice and commented on a popular perception that they had become disempowered , lacked influence and asserted that they have fairly little power. Its the managers and physicians who have the power, not nurses. Both managers and physicians decided, told and expected from the nurse to just get on with it, without discussion, or negotiation. As Salvage (18), nurses may see themselves as skilled practitioners, but the public still clings to its old image of the nurse as the doctors handmaiden. This indicates that nurses are not powerless due to lack in competence, motivation, and/or information, but because lack of awareness and enabling system and structure. Foser and Hoggett (19) termed this situation as a Do more with less culture where rhetoric is designed to empower the exhausted workers by emphasizing their commitment to organizational goals . However, disparity between the nurses desired and perceived autonomy and control over daily job activities interferes with nurses attempts to perform according to their expectations as professionals and may contribute to disengagement and withdrawal from the profession of nursing (17). Parallel to this is the national view of nursing in Saudi culture. Abu- Zinada (11,20) stated in many articles that the nurses were disempowered, and have a feeling of uncertainty. In contrast, she saw that the nurse has the right to make decisions that are separate of the physician ones. Moreover, Al-morshed (21) considered that the nurses were not assistants to the physician or that their role is limited to giving injection or helping a patient, since the nursing is a science before everything. Thus, creating conditions that foster a sense of empowerment in healthcare settings are critical to both employee wellbeing and organizational success(22) . For employee well-being, empowerment offers opportunities for learning, development, and playing a more active role in operational decisions through the personal development and involvement in decision making. As a result, employees can sense their feelings of self-worth, meaningfulness, job satisfaction and morale that result from their contributions and control or autonomy over their work. Additionally, empowerment is essential for enhancing nurses role, strengthening the professional image, and continuously improving the healthcare system. It allows the nurses to perform in a professional manner by being more autonomous, responsible and participative (23). For organizational success, many hospitals uses the concept of empowerment as a retention strategies to improve nurses commitment by fostering the desire not to leave the organization for selfish interests or marginal gains, and increase willingness to work by making personal sacrifice, performing beyond normal expectations , endure difficult times with an organization and increasing acceptance of organizations values and goals . As a consequence, nurses will be less burned-out and more engaged in their work and will contribute to organizational effectiveness (24). Although, the concept of empowerment is frequently used in health services and in nursing ,particularly in relation to the quality of care, since the mission of nursing is to provide safe and quality nursing care thereby enabling patients to achieve their maximum level of wellness(25). Also empowerment play a significant role in the management of job stress and job satisfaction as well as in nurse attraction and retention ( 26). Hence, creating healthy work conditions that empowered nurses and provide freedom to act according to their expectation as a professional, may be a fruitful strategy for nurse managers and administrators to retain nurses who currently work by promoting their commitment to the organization, especially in a critical care settings. Nowadays, many seek power but few possess it. Nurses are not exception (Marquis and Huston, 2000). In health care settings, an unequal power base exists among administrator, physicians, and nurses as a result of the competing goals of administration and the coexistence of multiple lines of authority (Sabiston and Laschinger, 1995). The rigidity of hierarchical rule-bound structures has been specifically blamed for nurses inability to sufficiently control the content of their practice (Laschinger and Havens, 1996). Kanter (1993) proposed that an individuals effectiveness on the job is influenced largely by organizational aspects of the work environment. This author identified power and access to opportunities to learn and grow, as structural determinants affecting the behavior of the individual. This power is derived from the ability to mobilize information, support, and resources necessary for getting the job done. Access to these empowering structures is influenced by the degree of formal and informal power an employee has in the organization (Kanter,1993). Formal power evolves from having a defined job that affords flexibility, visibility and centrality to organizational purpose and goals whereas informal power is determined by the extent of employees networks and alliances with sponsors, peers, and subordinates within the organization. Access to these empowering structures has a positive impact on employees, resulting in increase in their job satisfaction, level of organizational commitment and feelings of autonomy. Consequently, employees are more productive and effective in meeting organizational goals (Dutcher and Adams, 1994 ; Laschinger et. al., 1999). Nurses autonomy or control over work was seriously limited by unequal power relationships with medical staff, which enhanced physician power and restricted the nurses freedom, and consequently hindered their empowerment (McParland et al., 2000). To achieve excellence in nursing requires empowered staff nurses in order to be effective in their roles, and to be more autonomous (Marquis and Huston, 2000). Nurses who perceive them to be empowered are more likely to enhance client care through more effective work practice. Thus by providing the sources of job-related empowerment and autonomy, work methods and outcomes could be improved (Kanter, 1993; Sabiston and Laschinger, 1995). EMPOWERMENT IMPROVES MOTIVATION Empowerment. Thomas and Velthouse (1990) define empowerment as personal power that flows from professional growth, which is correlated with job satisfaction. Klakovich (1995) further states that the empowerment of nursing staff may be the critical variable in achieving positive organizational outcomes while maintaining the caring values of the nursing profession Klakovich (1996) defines three dimensions of empowerment as reciprocity, synergy, and ownership. Empowerment is a reciprocal leader-follower relationship that advances and aligns strategies, both organizational and individual (Klakovich, 1995). The Reciprocal Empowerment Scale tool reports in three subscales: reciprocity and synergy sub-scales represent the interactive leader/follower process; the ownership subscale represents the outcomes . Reciprocity involves a leadership behavior pattern of sharing power, support and information. Empowerment Research has shown correlations between nursing leadership job satisfaction and e mpowerment (Laschinger et al., 2003; Mrayyan, 2004). In recent years, the idea of empowerment has become popular in the nursing literature (Kluska et al., 2000; Laschinger Finegan, 2005). The review of the literature reveals empowerment being used in various contexts; such as, mental health, chronic care, and health promotion (Dahlgaard Dahlgaard, (2003), Paterson(2001) . In these contexts, the concept of empowerment incorporates positive and respectful relationships through constant dialog (Ellefsen Hamilton, (2000) Prybil( 2003). Morrison, Jones, and Fuller (1997) performed a non-experimental descriptive study that explored the effects of leadership style and empowerment on nursing job satisfaction. The participants included various nursing personnel, such as nurse managers, nursing assistants, nursing clinical leaders, licensed practical nurses and staff nurses. The researchers examined how staff nurses perceived empowerment The researchers results in their variance analysis i ndicated a statistically significant difference in empowerment among different job classifications within the organization Empowerment accounted for more variance with job satisfaction for licensed personnel than for unlicensed personnel, as well as, for differing by type of satisfaction. The researchers findings indicate the importance of empowerment to staff nurse job satisfaction. They also show the contribution of empowerment to job motivation and how they vary by personnel. This study gives reason for performing this research study that examined the relationship of nurse empowerment and motivation Furthermore, studies have shown that Indian nurses had a moderate empowerment level and their actual work empowerment perception was significantly lower than their expectation (Huang, Lin, Hsu, Chen, Huang, 2003). The findings also showed that nurses had the lowest score on participation in decision making. Researchers pointed out that the nursing leaders tended to use authority and might only consult several members opinions for decision making. The opportunity for nurses to participate in decision making is limited. As such, frontline nurses might think decision making is the managers responsibility, not theirs (Mok Au-Yeung, 2002). Participation can be seen as the highest level of empowerment. Nurses level of participation in decision making (PDM) can be used as an important indicator of empowerment. In western health care system, it has been found that the area where nurses prefer to be involved in decision-making is more related to the context of nursing practice, such as nursing unit operation (Blegen et al., 1993). Yet, in Indian nurses PDM is still not well studied. The extent to which nurses prefer to be or are actually involved in decision making is still not clear. Laschinger and Finegan (2005) surveyed 273 medical, surgical and critical care nurses concluding that structural empowerment had a direct effect on organizational trust and respect, job motivation and commitment. An important addition to the understanding of empowerment in nursing education was another finding that empowerment increased motivation level of the nurses (Falk-Raphael, Chinn, Anderson, Laschinger, Rubotzky, 2004) Work empowerment has been linked to many other important organizational outcomes, such as job motivation, organizational commitment, lower levels of job stress and empowering leader behaviors (Spence-Laschinger, Tuer-Hodes, 2003). Hollinger-Smith and Ortigara (2004) stated that nurses perceptions of work empowerment are related to commitment to and trust in the organization, autonomy, participation in organizational decision-making, and job motivation. Increased autonomy and work motivation have been directly linked to nurse retention and increased patient satisfaction (Hollinger-Smith Ortigara, 2004). Empowering work environments can also influence nurses ability to practice in a professional manner, ensuring excellent patient care and positive organizational outcomes. Organizational changes have a direct effect on the work environment and may contribute to higher rates of demotivation, burnout and absenteeism among staff (Kuokkanen, Savikko Doran, 2007). Factors of empowerment c an also provide a way to measure the effects of organizational changes (Kuokkanen et al., 2007). To achieve excellence in nursing requires empowered staff nurses in order to be effective in their roles, and to be more autonomous (Marquis and Huston, 2000). Nurses who perceive them to be empowered are more likely to enhance patient care through more effective work practice. Thus by providing the sources of job-related empowerment and autonomy, work methods and outcomes could be improved (Kanter, 1993; Sabistonand Laschinger, 1995). In Sochalskis (2002) survey of nurse empowerment , it was found that 1 out of 3 staff nurse participants (manager and staff level) were dissatisfied and hence demotivated in their job. Increasing job satisfaction, as it positively correlates with empowerment and organizational commitment, is a strategy to help retain employees (Laschinger, Finegan, Shamian, Casier, 2000). As patient care becomes more technologically advanced and complex, (requiring greater experience on the part of nursing staff to perform the job correctly), workplace stability and a utonomy become invaluable in a hospital setting (Laschinger et al,2000.). Many researchers have concluded that building collaborative decision making teams will empower both nursing and managerial staff; which boosts morale and work performance (Cowin, 2002 Kluska et al., 2004). Ellefsen and Hamilton (2000) concluded that nurse empowerment encourages nurses in management positions to perform their duties efficiently and with confidence and competence. Research suggests when hospital leadership encourages subordinate empowerment; there is a direct link to increased subordinate job satisfaction and motivation (Laschinger, Finegan, Shamian, Wilk, 2001). Evidence has shown that empowered nurses shift their self-perceived role from that of a subordinate to collaborator; which encourages consensus building, improves job ownership, improves trust and the followers motivation, sense of responsibility and organizational commitment( Wagner ,2006 Watson, 2002). Empowerment not only increase s job motivation, but inspirational and visionary transformational leadership encourages the highest level of staff efficiency and productivity (Keuter, Byrne, Voell, Larson, 2000; Moss Rowles, 1997). Masi (2000) concluded that empowerment provides opportunities for choice and promotes autonomy, which allows subordinates to demonstrate their competencies. The espoused benefits of empowerment The supposed benefits of empowerment can be broadly divided into two areas: benefits for the organization; and benefits for the individual. Much of the empirical research into empowerment has focused on organizational benefits assuming that these are the driving force behind attempts to engender empowered working (Cunningham et al., 1996). Certainly the motivation for managerial adoption of empowerment is typically driven to help managers manage and improve work organization and job performance, not to primarily create an environment that is beneficial for the employee (Psoinos and Smithson, 2002). Global competition and a changing business environment have prompted organizational change in response to increased pressures to improve efficiency and performance (Lawler et al., 1992). It has been argued that organizations with higher levels of empowerment have demonstrated improvements in various economic performance areas (Applebaum et al., 1999). The economic benefits of empowerment s pecifically may be difficult to assess as often it is introduced as part of a broader initiative such as BPR and TQM (Psoinos and Smithson, 2002). Despite the espoused organisational benefits Argyris (1998) argues that empowerment has still not delivered the promised benefits, remaining a myth rather than reality. While it could be argued that the primary motive for empowerment is initially driven by the need to improve the economic performance of the organisation, benefits to the individual employee have also been identified. Nykodym et al. (1994) found that employees who consider themselves empowered have reduced conflict and ambiguity in their role, as they are able to control (to a certain extent) their own environment. They suggested that this reduces emotional strain on the employee. Similarly, it has been suggested that empowered employees have a greater sense of job satisfaction, motivation and organisational loyalty (Koberg et al., 1999, Spreitzer et al., 1997). Empowerment cannot only impact attitudes but it can also impact on performance, specifically employee productivity (Koberg et al., 1999) and employee effectiveness (Spreitzer et al., 1997). Overall the literature points to many potential benefits to both organisations and employees like if the workplace empowerment is successful, then it produces a win-win situation (Lashley, 1999). However, despite the strong support for empowerment in theory, in practice empowerment may exist in rhetoric only and control is the reality for employees (Sewell and Wilkinson, 1992). Although it may be considered that employee empowerment will improve organizational performance but it is possible that empowered employees are not necessarily more motivated or have higher levels of job satisfaction (Collins, 1999). Thus the benefits of empowerment should not be assumed to automatically occur nor should the rhetoric of empowerment be confused with the reality. Measurement of the employee benefits is very difficult t o achieve. Unlike organisational benefits which can be measured using objective facts, individual benefits are much more complex. Certain objective measures, such as absence and turnover rates have been applied in this context (Psoinos and Smithson, 2002). However, it is often considered that softer measures of employees attitudes may provide informative insights omitted by other more tangible measures (Psoinos and Smithson, 2002). FACTORS IMPORTANT FOR MOTIVATING EMPLOYEES One of the most perplexing healthcare retention issues is keeping newly licensed nurses from leaving after just a year or two of employment in the clinical setting (Zucker, Goss, Williams, Bloodworth, Lynn, Denker, et al., 2006). Kovner, Brewer, and Djukic (2007) presented evidence that 13% of newly licensed 1490 RNs had changed principal jobs after one year, and 37% reported that they felt ready to change jobs. Nurses leave the profession mainly because of low pay and poor job satisfaction (DiMeglio, Padula, Piatek, 2005)Hence pay and motivation at workplace are very important factors of retaining the staff. Therefore, nurse leaders are faced with two challenges: to recruit sufficiently qualified nurses and to establish rewarding work cultures that promote retention. Recruiting a younger generation of nursing staff members and meeting retention demands of cross-generational nurses will be a challenge like no other previously seen in healthcare (Cordinez, 2002). Newly licensed nurse s recruitment and retention into the workplace are fundamental strategies for ensuring that healthcare systems have the continued capacity to deliver patient care (Berliner Ginzberg, 2002). Understanding why newly licensed registered nurses choose to remain in nursing is an essential component of recruitment and retention strategies. Despite a recent four year trend of increasing nursing school enrollment and graduation of qualified nurses (American Association of Colleges of Nursing, 2005), the latest data on the shortage of RNs in the United States is estimated to reach about 500,000 by 2025 (Buerhas, Staiger, Auerbach, 2000.This study shows that nursing shortage is going to increase and hence motivating factors like pay,proper work environment and empowerment are necessary for retaining the experienced nurse staff. Hecker (2005) predicts that more than one million new and replacement nurses will be needed by the year 2014. The problem is that many of the newly licensed nurses w ill not remain in nursing and will choose to leave the profession within four years of graduation from a nursing program (Sochalski, 2002). In a study by Bowles and Candela (2005), 30% of newly licensed RNs left their first nursing position within one year of employment, and 57% left their first nursing position within two years of employment.This study further provides evidence that adds to the case study done by Kovner, Brewer, and Djukic (2007) which also adds to data and evidence that nurses are leaving their profession due to lack of empowerment and motivation in hospitals. The nursing shortage and the high incidence of turnover among newly licensed nurses within the first year of employment need to be investigated. It is well documented that nurses are leaving the profession because they are dissatisfied with current working conditions and not because they are disenchanted with the ideal of nursing, which originally attracted them to the profession (Lynn Redman, 2005; Strachota, Normandin, OBrien, Clary, Krukow, 2003). There is limited research that addresses newly licensed registered nurses career choices post-graduation. The future of nursing rests in the ability to recruit and retain upcoming generations to the profession.Currently, however, there is limited knowledge concerning what influences the decisions of newly licensed registered nurses to remain in nursing. Thus, the objective of this study was to identify factors that influence newly licensed registered nurses decision to remain in nursing. The shortage of people entering professional nursing, nurses dissatisfaction, and high turnover of newly licensed registered nurses are issues of concern. The national shortage in the nursing workforce highlights the critical importance of encouraging nurses to remain in practice. Evidence suggests that a shortage of nurses is detrimental not only to quality of patient care, but also to staff morale, which in turn affects staff retention (Wilson, 2006). The socialization and assimilation of newly licensed nurses into the healthcare system is a pivotal event that influences the retention of nurses (Aiken, Clarke, Sloane, Sochalaski, Silber, 2002). Professional socialization and work readiness are contributing factors to the retention of newly licensed registered nurses. The transition from student to new nurse is a vital period in several ways. It is the quality of this transitional experience that is likely to influence new nurse retention (Clare van Loon, 2003; Duchsch er, 2001; Ewens, 2003). Professional socialization, a potential buffer to the effects of reality shock, includes the acquisition of knowledge, skills, identity, occupational traits, values, norms, and self-concept (Mamchur Myrick, 2003). The process of professional socialization, from career choice to transition to enculturation to the practice setting is influenced by others, especially other nurses (Beck, 2000; Hinds Harley, 2001). It is this initial professional socialization of nurses that will determine the success or failure of retaining new nurses in the healthcare workplace. The increasing complexity of health services and the acuity of patient care create an expectation by the healthcare organization that the new nurse will hit the ground running (Cowin Hengstberger-Sims, 2006, p. 61). Furthermore, Cowin and Hengstberger-Sims believe the workplace expects newly licensed nurses to quickly fulfill their potential as knowledgeable workers, but the health organization remune rates newly licensed nurses at the lowest possible pay scale. These researchers asserted that incongruencies such as high level of stress related to responsibility and high workloads paired with minimum pay compound the effects of reality shock of nurses new to the field. The healthcare workplace demands work readiness from its newest nurses and the partnership of responsibility for work readiness between nursing education and the workplace can be described as precarious. The strategies of mentorship and preceptor ship have been embraced within many healthcare organizations as a means of increasing work readiness, decreasing the effects of reality shock and lessening the possibility of new nurse attrition (Greenwood, 2000). The period that separates a novice practitioner from an advanced beginner is one which requires support, guidance and constant supervision by experienced individuals to ensure newly licensed nurses develop competently and safely, b

Friday, October 25, 2019

Economics :: essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The economic problem is simply the process of providing for the material well- being of society.(Heilbroner) In my own words, I feel that the economic problem is simply that there are to many jobs and to many people that are not qualified for the â€Å"right† job that they can perform. This then leads to people who do not have the â€Å"right† job for them to not work, because they feel that that is not the job for them. This could be a huge problem that eventually leads to unemployment. Also as technology improves we will no longer need people to do the job but machinery.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Tradition is particular rules that have been adapted to society. This is simply being handed down the family business. There are advantages and disadvantages to this. One advantage is that you are set in a business and really do not have to worry what you are going to do when you get older. But on the other hand there is a disadvantage, being handed down the family business, you are set in that business for basically life and and there is a lack of progress. And progress is the origin of new goods and services.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  When dealing with command there is always going to be someone who is in charge, the one with all the power, the one who says you do this. Command and slavery are tied together. Central authority can help economic progress. Markets are systems that allows individuals to make their own decisions.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  There are two dimensions of production and distribution. One being, to organize a system to assure the production of enough goods and services for its own survival. According to Robinson Cruso this means to be able to live are your own. By doing everything by yourself as opposed to a society working together. And the second dimension being, to arrange the distribution of the fruits of its production so that more production can take place. I think that this basically means to spread the wealth so that

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Daniel Bernoulli

Daniel Bernoulli  (Groningen, 8 February 1700 –  Basel, 8 March 1782) was aDutch-Swiss  mathematician  and was one of the many prominent mathematicians in theBernoulli family. He is particularly remembered for his applications of mathematics to mechanics, especially  fluid mechanics, and for his pioneering work in  probability  andstatistics. Bernoulli's work is still studied at length by many schools of science throughout the world. In Physics :- He is the earliest writer who attempted to formulate a  kinetic theory of gases, and he applied the idea to explain  Boyle's law. 2] He worked with Euler on  elasticity  and the development of the  Euler-Bernoulli beam equation. [9]  Bernoulli's principle  is of critical use inaerodynamics. [4] Daniel Bernoulli, an eighteenth-century Swiss scientist, discovered that as the velocity of a fluid increases, its pressure decreases The relationship between the velocity and pressure exerted by a moving liquid is described by the  Bernoulli's principle:  as the velocity of a fluid increases, the pressure exerted by that fluid decreases. Airplanes get a part of their lift by taking advantage of Bernoulli's principle. Race cars employ Bernoulli's principle to keep their rear wheels on the ground while traveling at high speeds. The Continuity Equation relates the speed of a fluid moving through a pipe to the cross sectional area of the pipe. It says that as a radius of the pipe decreases the speed of fluid flow must increase and visa-versa. This interactive tool lets you explore this principle of fluids. You can change the diameter of the red section of the pipe by dragging the top red edge up or down. Principle In  fluid dynamics,  Bernoulli's principle  states that for an  inviscid flow, an increase in the speed of the fluid occurs simultaneously with a decrease in  pressure  or a decrease in the  fluid's  potential energy. [1][2]  Bernoulli's principle is named after the  Dutch-Swiss  mathematician  Daniel Bernoulliwho published his principle in his book  Hydrodynamica  in 1738. 3] Bernoulli's principle can be applied to various types of fluid flow, resulting in what is loosely denoted as  Bernoulli's equation. In fact, there are different forms of the Bernoulli equation for different types of flow. The simple form of Bernoulli's principle is valid for  incompressible flows  (e. g. most  liquid  flows) and also for  compressible flows  (e. g. gases) moving at low  Mach numbers. More advanced forms may in some cases be applied to compress ible flows at higher  Mach numbers(see  the derivations of the Bernoulli equation). Bernoulli's principle can be derived from the principle of  conservation of energy. This states that, in a steady flow, the sum of all forms of mechanical energy in a fluid along a  streamline  is the same at all points on that streamline. This requires that the sum of kinetic energy and potential energy remain constant. Thus an increase in the speed of the fluid occurs proportionately with an increase in both its  dynamic pressure  and  kinetic energy, and a decrease in its  static pressure  andpotential energy. If the fluid is flowing out of a reservoir the sum of all forms of energy is the same on all streamlines because in a reservoir the energy per unit mass (the sum of pressure and gravitational potential  ? g  h) is the same everywhere. [4] Bernoulli's principle can also be derived directly from Newton's 2nd law. If a small volume of fluid is flowing horizontally from a region of high pressure to a region of low pressure, then there is more pressure behind than in front. This gives a net force on the volume, accelerating it along the streamline. [5][6] Fluid particles are subject only to pressure and their own weight. If a fluid is flowing horizontally and along a section of a streamline, where the speed increases it can only be because the fluid on that section has moved from a region of higher pressure to a region of lower pressure; and if its speed decreases, it can only be because it has moved from a region of lower pressure to a region of higher pressure. Consequently, within a fluid flowing horizontally, the highest speed occurs where the pressure is lowest, and the lowest speed occurs where the pressure is highest. ————————————————- Incompressible flow equation In most flows of liquids, and of gases at low  Mach number, the mass density of a fluid parcel can be considered to be constant, regardless of pressure variations in the flow. For this reason the fluid in such flows can be considered to be incompressible and these flows can be described as incompressible flow. Bernoulli performed his experiments on liquids and his equation in its original form is valid only for incompressible flow. A common form of Bernoulli's equation, valid at any  arbitrary  point along a  streamline  where gravity is constant, is: |   | |   |   | | | | | | | where: is the fluid flow  speed  at a point on a streamline, is the  acceleration due to gravity, is the  elevation  of the point above a reference plane, with the positive  z-direction pointing upward – so in the direction opposite to the gravitational acceleration,   is the  pressure  at the chosen point, and is the  density  of the fluid at all points in the flu id. For  conservative force  fields, Bernoulli's equation can be generalized as:[7] where  ? is the  force potential  at the point considered on the streamline. E. g. for the Earth's gravity  ?   gz. The following two assumptions must be met for this Bernoulli equation to apply:[7] * the fluid must be incompressible – even though pressure varies, the density must remain constant along a streamline; * friction by viscous forces has to be negligible. By multiplying with the fluid density  ? , equation (A) can be rewritten as: or: where: is  dynamic pressure, is the  piezometric head  or  hydraulic head  (the sum of the elevation  z  and the  pressure head)[8][9]  and   is the  total pressure  (the sum of the static pressure  p  and dynamic pressure  q). 10] The constant in the Bernoulli equation can be normalised. A common approach is in terms of  total head  or  energy head  H: The above equations suggest there is a flow sp eed at which pressure is zero, and at even higher speeds the pressure is negative. Most often, gases and liquids are not capable of negative absolute pressure, or even zero pressure, so clearly Bernoulli's equation ceases to be valid before zero pressure is reached. In liquids – when the pressure becomes too low –  cavitation  occurs. The above equations use a linear relationship between flow speed squared and pressure. At higher flow speeds in gases, or for  sound  waves in liquid, the changes in mass density become significant so that the assumption of constant density is invalid Simplified form In many applications of Bernoulli's equation, the change in the  ? g  z  term along the streamline is so small compared with the other terms it can be ignored. For example, in the case of aircraft in flight, the change in height  z  along a streamline is so small the  ? g  z  term can be omitted. This allows the above equation to be presented in the following simplified form: where  p0  is called total pressure, and  q  is  dynamic pressure. 11]  Many authors refer to the  pressure  p  as  static pressure  to distinguish it from total pressure  p0  and  dynamic pressure  q. In  Aerodynamics, L. J. Clancy writes: â€Å"To distinguish it from the total and dynamic pressures, the actual pressure of the fluid, which is associated not with its motion but with its state, is often referred to as the static pressure, but where the term pressure alone is used it refers to this static pressure. â€Å"[12] The simplified form of Bernoulli's equation can be summarized in the following memorable word equation: static pressure + dynamic pressure = total pressure[12] Every point in a steadily flowing fluid, regardless of the fluid speed at that point, has its own unique static pressure  p  and dynamic pressure  q. Their sum  p  +  q  is defined to be the total pressure  p0. The significance of Bernoulli's principle can now be summarized as  total pressure is constant along a streamline. If the fluid flow is  irrotational, the total pressure on every streamline is the same and Bernoulli's principle can be summarized as  total pressure is constant everywhere in the fluid flow. 13]  It is reasonable to assume that irrotational flow exists in any situation where a large body of fluid is flowing past a solid body. Examples are aircraft in flight, and ships moving in open bodies of water. However, it is important to remember that Bernoulli's principle does not apply in the  boundary layer  or in fluid flow through long  pipes. If the fluid flow at some point along a stream line is brought to rest, this point is called a st agnation point, and at this point the total pressure is equal to the  stagnation pressure. Applicability of incompressible flow equation to flow of gases Bernoulli's equation is sometimes valid for the flow of gases: provided that there is no transfer of kinetic or potential energy from the gas flow to the compression or expansion of the gas. If both the gas pressure and volume change simultaneously, then work will be done on or by the gas. In this case, Bernoulli's equation – in its incompressible flow form – can not be assumed to be valid. However if the gas process is entirely  isobaric, or  isochoric, then no work is done on or by the gas, (so the simple energy balance is not upset). According to the gas law, an isobaric or isochoric process is ordinarily the only way to ensure constant density in a gas. Also the gas density will be proportional to the ratio of pressure and absolute  temperature, however this ratio will vary upon compression or expansion, no matter what non-zero quantity of heat is added or removed. The only exception is if the net heat transfer is zero, as in a complete thermodynamic cycle, or in an individualisentropic  (frictionless  adiabatic) process, and even then this reversible process must be reversed, to restore the gas to the original pressure and specific volume, and thus density. Only then is the original, unmodified Bernoulli equation applicable. In this case the equation can be used if the flow speed of the gas is sufficiently below the  speed of sound, such that the variation in density of the gas (due to this effect) along each  streamline  can be ignored. Adiabatic flow at less than Mach 0. 3 is generally considered to be slow enough. [edit]Unsteady potential flow The Bernoulli equation for unsteady potential flow is used in the theory of  ocean surface waves  and  acoustics. For an  irrotational flow, the  flow velocity  can be described as the  gradient   f a  velocity potential  ?. In that case, and for a constant  density? , the  momentum  equations of the  Euler equations  can be integrated to:[14] which is a Bernoulli equation valid also for unsteady – or time dependent – flows. Here /? t  denotes the  partial derivative  of the velocity potential  ? with respect to time  t, and  v  =   | | is the flow speed. The function  f(t) depends only on time and not on position in the fluid. As a result, the Bernoulli equation at some moment  t  does not only apply along a certain streamline, but in the whole fluid domain. This is also true for the special case of a steady irrotational flow, in which case  f  is a constant. [14] Further  f(t) can be made equal to zero by incorporating it into the velocity potential using the transformation Note that the relation of the potential to the flow velocity is unaffected by this transformation: =  . The Bernoulli equation for unsteady potential flow also appears to play a central role in  Luke's variational principle, a variational description of free-surface flows using the  Lagrangian  (not to be confused with  Lagrangian coordinates). ————————————————- edit]Compressible flow equation Bernoulli developed his principle from his observations on liquids, and his equation is applicable only to incompressible fluids, and compressible fluids at very low speeds (perhaps up to 1/3 of the sound speed in the fluid). It is possible to use the fundamental principles of physics to develop similar equations applicable to compressible fluids. There are numerous equations, each tailored for a particular application, but all are analogous to Bernoulli's equation and all rely on nothing more than the fundamental principles of physics such as Newton's laws of motion or the  first law of thermodynamics. Compressible flow in fluid dynamics For a compressible fluid, with a  barotropic  equation of state, and under the action of  conservative forces, [15]  Ã‚  Ã‚  (constant along a streamline) where: p  is the  pressure ?  is the  density v  is the  flow speed ?  is the potential associated with the conservative force field, often the  gravitational potential In engineering situations, elevations are generally small compared to the size of the Earth, and the time scales of fluid flow are small enough to consider the equation of state as  adiabatic. In this case, the above equation becomes [16]  Ã‚  Ã‚  (constant along a streamline) here, in addition to the terms listed above: ?  is the  ratio of the specific heats  of the fluid g  is the acceleration due to gravity z  is the elevation of the point above a reference plane In many applications of compressible flow, changes in elevation are negligible compared to the other terms, so the term  gz   can be omitted. A very useful form of the equation is then: where: p0  is the  total pressure ?0  is the total density [edit]Compressible flow in thermodynamics Another useful form of the equation, suitable for use in thermodynamics, is: [17] Here  w  is the  enthalpy  per unit mass, which is also often written as  h  (not to be confused with â€Å"head† or â€Å"height†). Note that  Ã‚  where  ? is the  thermodynamic  energy per unit mass, also known as the  specific  internal energy. The constant on the right hand side is often called the Bernoulli constant and denoted  b. For steady inviscid  adiabatic  flow with no additional sources or sinks of energy,  b  is constant along any given streamline. More generally, when  b  may vary along streamlines, it still proves a useful parameter, related to the â€Å"head† of the fluid (see below). When the change in  ? can be ignored, a very useful form of this equation is: where  w0  is total enthalpy. For a calorically perfect gas such as an ideal gas, the enthalpy is directly proportional to the temperature, and this leads to the concept of the total (or stagnation) temperature. When  shock waves  are present, in a  reference frame  in which the shock is stationary and the flow is steady, many of the parameters in the Bernoulli equation suffer abrupt changes in passing through the shock. The Bernoulli parameter itself, however, remains unaffected. An exception to this rule is radiative shocks, which violate the assumptions leading to the Bernoulli equation, namely the lack of additional sinks or sources of energy. ————————————————- Real-world application Condensation visible over the upper surface of a wing caused by the fall in temperature  accompanying  the fall in pressure, both due to acceleration of the air. In modern everyday life there are many observations that can be successfully explained by application of Bernoulli's principle, even though no real fluid is entirely inviscid  [21]  and a small viscosity often has a large effect on the flow. Bernoulli's principle can be used to calculate the lift force on an airfoil if the behaviour of the fluid flow in the vicinity of the foil is known. For example, if the air flowing past the top surface of an aircraft wing is moving faster than the air flowing pas t the bottom surface, then Bernoulli's principle implies that the  pressure  on the surfaces of the wing will be lower above than below. This pressure difference results in an upwards  lift force. nb 1][22]  Whenever the distribution of speed past the top and bottom surfaces of a wing is known, the lift forces can be calculated (to a good approximation) using Bernoulli's equations[23]  Ã¢â‚¬â€œ established by Bernoulli over a century before the first man-made wings were used for the purpose of flight. Bernoulli's principle does not explain why the air flows faster past the top of the wing and slower past the underside. To understand why, it is helpful to understand  circulation, the  Kutta condition, and the  Kutta–Joukowski theorem. The  carburetor  used in many reciprocating engines contains a  venturi  to create a region of low pressure to draw fuel into the carburetor and mix it thoroughly with the incoming air. The low pressure in the throat of a venturi can be explained by Bernoulli's principle; in the narrow throat, the air is moving at its fastest speed and therefore it is at its lowest pressure. * The  Pitot tube  and  static port  on an aircraft are used to determine the  airspeed  of the aircraft. These two devices are connected to theairspeed indicator  which determines the  dynamic pressure  of the airflow past the aircraft. Dynamic pressure is the difference betweenstagnation pressure  and  static pressure. Bernoulli's principle is used to calibrate the airspeed indicator so that it displays the  indicated airspeed  appropriate to the dynamic pressure. [24] * The flow speed of a fluid can be measured using a device such as a  Venturi meter  or an  orifice plate, which can be placed into a pipeline to reduce the diameter of the flow. For a horizontal device, the  continuity equation  shows that for an incompressible fluid, the reduction in diameter will cause an increase in the fluid flow speed. Subsequently Bernoulli's principle then shows that there must be a decrease in the pressure in the reduced diameter region. This phenomenon is known as the  Venturi effect. * The maximum possible drain rate for a tank with a hole or tap at the base can be calculated directly from Bernoulli's equation, and is found to be proportional to the square root of the height of the fluid in the tank. This is  Torricelli's law, showing that Torricelli's law is compatible with Bernoulli's principle. Viscosity  lowers this drain rate. This is reflected in the discharge coefficient, which is a function of the Reynolds number and the shape of the orifice. 25] * In open-channel hydraulics, a detailed analysis of the Bernoulli theorem and its extension were recently (2009) developed. [26]  It was proved that the depth-averaged specific energy reaches a minimum in converging accelerating free-surface flow over weirs and flumes (also[27][28]). Further, in general, a channel control with minimum specific energy in curvilinear flow is not isolated from water waves, as customary state in open-channel hydraulics. * The  Bernoulli grip  relies on this principle to create a non-contact adhesive force between a surface and the gripper. [edit]

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Legalizing or not legalizing abortion creates

Whether to legalize or not to legalize abortion remains one of the most debatable issues in the world. There have been many arguments for and against abortion which have taken religious, political and moral perspectives.Every side of both proponents and opponents come up with very substantive claims that clearly support their arguments.   Some countries have gone to an extent of entrenching abortion legally in their constitution which has raised resistance from the conservatives.They claim that the constitutional laws legalizing abortion and   penalizing murder are contradicting when they impose death penalty on individuals who are   convicted of murder but at the same time it legalize abortion which is taking the life of unborn and therefore amounts to murder.Legalizing or not legalizing abortion creates no difference since it is practiced all over the world in countries which have legalized or not legalized it.   My thesis is that abortion should be legalized since illegali zing does not deter people from aborting and instead it encourages backstreet abortion which comes with increased risk.What is abortion?Abortion is the premature expulsion of a human fetus, whether it occurs naturally like in case of a miscarriage or artificially induced or carried out with the consent of the pregnant women through the use of surgical or chemical equipments or any other method used.It may be carried out for medical reasons which in most case are acceptable evening countries where it is not legalized. This is usually done in order to save the life of the mother and has a moral backing in case the mother has other children to look after. However the main controversial issue of abortion regards cases which account for 93% of the abortions that are carried out based on no medical reason but mainly for elective purpose.  Why abortion should be legalized  There are many reasons which have been argued to support or to oppose abortion. Abortion can be considered   leg alized when carried out in context of cases like where a woman been raped or had undergone another ordeal like incest that is likely to affect their life because bearing such a child may most likely rekindle the painful memories of the ordeal.Social nod economical changes have brought about many homeless people and street children and families. In this context, abortion should be legalized for those women who feel that they has not well off economical to support their children since they will end up leaving them to wander on the street increasing the number of homeless families and children.Illegalizing abortion does not deter it any way since even in countries which have illegalized abortion there are very high cases of backstreet abortion. In order to grasp the concept why abortion should be legalized, we are going to argue the facts which we have listed. Though few, and complete discussion on the three points will support our thesis that abortion should be legalized since illegal izing does not deter people from aborting and instead it encourages backstreet abortion which comes with increased risk.The first reasons why abortion should be legalized is that it is necessary in cases where a woman might have conceived after a rape or after a painful ordeal like incest, and other painful sex related ordeals. There is high likelihood that such ordeals may haunt the victim for the rest of their life not mentioning the trauma. It has been shown that one out of every six case of rape or incest usually results to conceptions which are unwanted and unplanned.   There are more dangers which are associated with rape in addition to conception. There is a high likelihood of the women contracting venereal disease like syphilis which may result to impaired infant as venereal diseases may affect fetal formation.Research has also shown that women bearing such children are more to suffer repeated trauma when they see that child since they remember the ordeal they went through . The effect of rape on abortion reveals that more than 50% of pregnancies resulting from rape, incest or any other sex ordeal are usually aborted whether the country legalized or illegalized abortion (Johnson, 2008).Tehre are issue regarding the re-victimization of women in countries where abortion is illegalized and therefore they tend to seek abortion from backstreet clinics. Most will not report rape or pregnancy fearing stigma.   They end up seeking crude methods of abortion risking their health and thousand lose their life all over the world.   Legalization of abortion is therefore important in order to save women from such ordeals.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Marketing 3.0 Essays

Marketing 3.0 Essays Marketing 3.0 Essay Marketing 3.0 Essay Marketing 3. 0 Authors : Philip Kotler Hermawan Kartajaya Iwan Setiawan ISBN No: 978-81-265-2619-2 INTRODUCTION In this new book, written by Iwan Setiawan, Hermawan Kartajaya and Philip Kotler titled Marketing 3. 0: Values-Driven Marketing or the human-centric era is the age where consumers will be treated as human beings who are active, anxious, and creative. They define Marketing 1. 0 as a product-centric era, marked with the famous saying of Henry Ford, Any customers can have a car painted any colour that he wants as long it is black. When it comes to todays information age where consumers are well informed and can compare several value offerings of similar products, then the product value is defined by the consumer. They called it Marketing 2. 0 or customer-centric era. Marketing 3. 0 thinks about consumers as whole humans with hearts, minds and spirits. From Ford’s any colour you want, as long as it is black (Marketing 1. 0), to Customer is the King (Marketing 2. 0); marketing has evolved into a collaborative exercise which is defined as the marketing 3. 0. Marketing 3. clearly lays out the authors key ideas and gives you real-world examples so you can implement Marketing 3. 0 practices at your organization. Customers have realized that their purchasing power has a global impact, and they are acting accordingly and talking to each other about the choices they make. Marketing 3. 0 explains how you can engage this conversation, position your brand as a positive force in the world, and collaborate successful ly with customer-advocates. Marketing 3. 0 takes a holistic approach to customers as multidimensional, values-driven people, even as potential collaborators. Marketing 3. 0 explores how brands have an impact on issues such as poverty. Socio-cultural change and environmental sustainability. It also looks at how values-driven marketing affects employees, channel partners, and shareholders. The new model for marketing-Marketing 3. 0-treats customers not as mere consumers but as the complex, multi-dimensional human beings that they are. Customers, in turn, are choosing companies and products that satisfy deeper needs for participation, creativity, community, and idealism. Leading companies realize they must reach these highly aware, technology-enabled customers, and that the old rules of marketing wont help them do this. Instead, they must create products, services, and corporate cultures that inspire, include, and reflect their customers values. With the human spirit being the key driver across an organization’s vision, mission and values,   it’ll be a major overhaul for most of us to move beyond the Segment – Target – Promotion (STP) approach and adopt a more inclusive approach. Products can no longer be sold in isolation. Consumers search for companies that meet their deepest needs for social, economic and environmental justice in their mission, vision and values. Not for only functional and emotional fulfilment but also human spirit fulfilment in the products and services they choose. In Marketing 3. 0, world-leading marketing guru Philip Kotler explains why the future of marketing lies in creating products, services, and company cultures that inspire, include, and reflect the values of target customers. Examines companies that are ahead of the curve, such as S. C. Johnson. The values of S. C Johnson amp; Son are rooted in the concept of the triple bottom line: economic value, environmental health and social progress. To target the minds, hearts and spirit of current and future employees, the company uses the triple bottom line concept. By saying that the company’s fundamental strength lies in its people, it targets the mind. To target the heart, the company hires mothers and was dubbed one of the 100 best companies for working mothers. By offering the opportunity to do what’s right for the environment and social sustainability, the company targets the spirit. Marketing 3. is about changing the way consumer do things in their lives. When a brand brings transformation, consumers will unconsciously accept the brand as part of their lives. This is what human spirit marketing is all about. A brand possesses great characters when it becomes the symbol of a movement that addresses the problems in the society and transforms people’s lives. Example Colgate, a brand with a mission to make people smile is running a consumer empowerment program called Smile. It encourages consumers to post photos of their smiles and connect with others participating in the program. CHAPTER WISE SUMMARY Chapter 1 In this chapter, Marketing 3. 0 is the era where marketing practices are very much influenced by changes in consumer behaviour and attitude. It is the more sophisticated form of the consumer-centric era where the consumer demands more collaborative, cultural and spiritual marketing approaches. New wave technology enables people to turn from being consumers into prosumers. One of the enablers of new wave technology is the rise of social media. Social media is classified in two types: 1. Expressive social media that include blogs, twitter, face book, photo sharing sites like flickr and other social networking sites. . Collaborative social media that includes sites such as Wikipedia, Craiglist etc. Technology drives globalisation of the legal, political, economy and social culture landscape, which creates cultural paradoxes in the society. As social media becomes increasingly expressive, consumers will be able to increasingly influence other consumers with their opinions and experiences . The influence that corporate advertising has on shaping buying behaviour will diminish accordingly. Because social media is low cost and bias free, it will be the future of marketing communications. Collaboration can also be a new source of innovation. Marketers today no longer have full control over their brands because they are now competing with the collective power of the consumers. Collaboration begins when marketing managers listen to the consumers’ voices to understand their minds and capture market insights. A more advanced collaboration takes place when consumers themselves play the key role in creating value through cocreation of products and services. Marketing 3. 0 is not about companies doing public relations. It is about companies weaving values into their corporate cultures. Profit will result from consumers’ appreciation of these companies contribution to human well being. Chapter 2 The year 1989 proved to be the tipping point for marketing as well. The personal computer had entered the mainstream and the internet was born as a strong complement in the 1990s. Technology also drives the rise of the creative market, i. e. more spiritual in viewing the world. Given the rise of more engaged consumers, the 3i model (identity, integrity amp; image) will be essential for all marketing practitioners to effectively handle positioning, differentiating and branding. Marketing in culmination will be a consonance of 3 concepts: identity, integrity and image. Marketing is clearly defining your unique identity and strengthening it with authentic integrity to build a strong image. Marketing 3. 0 offers not just a concept, but detailed notes on how it can be implemented and practiced by corporates. Chapter 3 To market the company’s or products mission to consumers, companies need to offer a mission of transformation, build compelling stories around it and involve consumers in accomplishing it. Defining a good mission starts with identifying small ideas that can make a big difference. To convince consumers that your stories are authentic, engage them in conversation about your brand. Customer empowerment is the key to making a difference. Chapter 4 Corporate culture is about integrity. It is about aligning the shared values and common behaviour of employees. In the context of the forces at work, corporate culture should be collaborative, cultural and creative. It should transform the lives of people employees and empower employees to transform the lives of others. Permission to play values is the basic standards of conduct that the employees should have when they join the company. Aspirational values are values that a company lacks but the management hopes to achieve. Accidental values are acquired as a result of common personality traits of employees. Core values are the real corporate culture that guides employees’ actions. Shaping a corporate culture means aligning shared values and common behaviour. Good values are the ones aligned with the forces at work: collaborative technology, globalisation driven cultural transformation and the rising importance of creativity. Hence, good values are those that stimulate and nurture the collaborative, cultural and creative sides of employees. Chapter 5 Technology enabled forces of globalisation to work. Channel management begins with finding the right channel partners with similar purpose, identity and ultimately values. Partners with compatible values will be able to deliver the stories convincingly to consumers. To bring the partnership one step forward, companies should integrate with the partners to bring integrity to the stories. Companies such as ITC limited play an important role in partnering with the poor to distribute their products in the rural areas. Chapter 6 Long term driven capitalism will make a significant contribution and they encourage shareholders to be more patient in their investments. To convince shareholders, a company’s management needs to formulate and communicate the corporate vision in addition to its mission and values. The corporate vision should embrace the concept of sustainability as it will determine competitive advantage in the long run. The company needs to communicate to its shareholders that adoption of sustainable practices will improve cost productivity, lead to higher revenue growth and improve corporate brand value. Chapter 7 A company should choose to promote issues based on three criteria: the relevance with its vision-mission values, the business impact, and the social impact. Companies should also act as good corporate citizens and address social problems within their business models. Companies are traditionally started for the purpose of making a profit through satisfying some set of market wants and desires. If they succeed and grow, they will usually receive requests to make donations to worthwhile causes. Overtime, the public begins to expect companies to operate as engines for social-cultural development and not engines for profit making. Some companies may react to this by building social challenge into the very fabric of their character. At this time, they transform the society and they have entered the marketing 3. 0 stage. Chapter 8 Poverty remains a core issue facing humankind. The distribution of income is in the shape of a pyramid rather than a diamond, with too many poor at the base of the pyramid. But pyramids can be converted to diamonds by empowering the poor. 1. Micro lending to the poor, especially women, who use the money in a productive way and show very high rates of payment. . Encourage the formation of Social business enterprises (SBE’s). The company can be positioned as a ‘hero for the poor’ or as a company that ‘teaches people how to fish instead of giving them free fish’. A SBE helps to improve their lives by providing affordable products and income generating opportunities. SBE’s offer the promise of rescuing the poor people by giving them opportunities and by using a modified marketing mix that makes their product and service offerings more affordable and accessible to the poor. Chapter 9 In this chapter, the importance of value based companies moving towards a green commitment is explained. Benefits include lower cost, better reputation and motivated employees. Three forces act for the building of the same. 1. Innovators- The innovator invents/innovates products that have the potential to save the environment via scientific research of major new green innovations. These products reverse the damage done and do not damage the environment. The innovations produce major impacts on the environment because they are used globally in the long run manner. . Investors- These are company that finance companies and individuals to do research projects in external companies or their own companies. 3. Propagator- These are companies that create environment ambassadors by spreading the values of protecting the earth to employees and consumers. It forms the critical mass or the support system that will purchase the products sold by the innovator and which will support the positive co ntribution of the investor. When all these roles act in the same market and collaborate, the green market is reinforced. Companies that promote environmental sustainability are practicing marketing 3. 0. Chapter 10 Customers are more aware, more active, and more powerful than ever before. Marketing 3. 0 shows you how to demonstrate you relevance to this interconnected, global community, giving you an unmatched guide to winning in this new age of marketing. The growth of social networks make it easier for people to talk about existing companies, products and brands in terms of their functional performance as well as their social performance. The new generation is much more attuned to social issues and concerns than ever before. Finally the book closes by talking about the ten credos of marketing 3. 0. The company fulfilling the mentioned ten doctrines is said to be practicing marketing 3. 0. 1. Love your customers, respect your competitors. 2. Be sensitive to change, be ready to transform 3. Guard your name, be clear who you are 4. Customers are diverse, go first to those who can benefit most from you. 5. Always offer a good package at a fair price 6. Always make yourself available, spread the good news. 7. Get your customers, keep and grow them. 8. Whatever your business, it is a service business to the nature. . Always refine your business process in terms of quality, cost and delivery. 10. Gather relevant information, but use wisdom in making your final wisdom. OVERVIEW OF THE BOOK Mktg 1. 0 represented  an effort to establish the superior performance of a product (Tide cleans better, Volvo is safety,)  In Mktg 2. 0; marketing added an emotional dimension to strengthen  its appeal to prospective cu stomers. We are entering Mktg 3. 0 where marketers are  adding a human spirit dimension. Mktg 1. 0 and 2. 0 is how about a product or offering will serve you. Mktg  3. is how a product and its company are sensitive to social and economic issues that are a concern to everyone. Companies that conduct themselves ecologically and create real value that  aligns with the social good will  be competitively favoured. The best companies right now, such as S. C. Johnson, are creating products, services, and company cultures that lead, inspire, and reflect the values of their customers. A key observation in this book is on Globalization as one of the trends that have influenced the emergence of Marketing 3. 0. The book calls it the ‘Globalization Paradox’ and quotes three instances of the same. First, the idea that capitalism does not require democracy which is exemplified by China – open markets do not mean open politics. The second paradox is explained as unequal distribution of wealth and the case in point is India with 50 Billionaires in one hand and 1 Billion of the population living with less than a dollar a day. And the third paradox is that the Global culture further strengthens the traditional culture as global cultural Brands gives direction owing to the increased awareness and concern in people about larger social issues. Another great thought in the book is about the age of creativity and human spirit marketing. In the information age, people are no longer willing to take brands at face value. What consumers are saying is not just, ‘What are you giving me? ’ but ‘Where do you come from? ’ and ‘What is the impact of my buying? ’ The new buzzwords are not just Value or Benefit, but include Authenticity and Social Impact as well. Thus, collaborative marketing and cultural marketing is considered as a breakthrough to the future. Relevance of Marketing 1. 0 amp; 2. 0 to Marketing Concept 3. 0 But marketing 1. 0 and 2. 0 still have some relevance. Marketing is still about developing segmentation, choosing the target segment, defining the positioning, providing the four P’s and building brand around the product. However, the changes in the business environment-recession, climate concerns, new social media, consumer empowerment, new wave technology, and globalisation- will continue to create a massive shift in marketing practices. Legendary marketing sage Philip Kotler and his colleagues Hermawan Kartajaya and Iwan Setiawan have identified this definitive break with new model imbued as Marketing 3. 0. Moving beyond product-based (Marketing 1. ) and consumer-based (Marketing 2. 0) approaches, Marketing 3. 0 takes a holistic approach to customers as multidimensional, values-driven people, even as potential collaborators. Unlike traditional marketing that emphasizes rational (mind) and emotional (heart) benefits to a consumer, Marketing 3. 0 includes a third dimension – ‘spirit. ’ The authors have cited m any examples in various parts of this book to strengthen this concept of Marketing 3. 0. Organizations will need to define themselves not just in terms of products and profitability, but in terms of their values and larger connect with the community.

Monday, October 21, 2019

3 Ways to Survive Your Bully Boss

3 Ways to Survive Your Bully Boss We’ve all had that boss. The narcissist. The Egotist. The Liar. The Manipulator. Bad bosses can span a wide variety of unhelpful traits. They can be self-serving, inaccessible, inconsistent, quick to blame, uninspiring, uninspired, unable to connect with people, negative, demeaning, overly demanding, bullying, and/or brutish. But they don’t have to get you down.Dealing with a bad boss can be discouraging- even detrimental to your career. But there are a few concrete things that you can do to make your situation better. Don’t let the negativity coming from your crazy boss get to you. Instead, follow this advice  to make your work environment a better, more peaceful and productive place:1. Don’t assume you’re to blame.Bullies are bullies. Your boss isn’t picking on you because of anything you are doing wrong. Your boss is the one doing wrong. Once you realize his or her bad behavior is a character trait, not a response to a flaw of yours, the n you can get to work solving the problem from another angle.2. Save it for the record.What happened when? If your boss is inappropriate or hostile via text or voice mail or in an email, save it! Documentation is your biggest ally. Keep a detailed journal or record of every incident, with the time and location and details about exactly what was said or done. Also make note of any witnesses. This evidence will be crucial should you ever need to take things up the ladder.3. Report your bully boss to HR.Call for backup. HR departments exist to help you if you’re being abused at work. You’re not just protecting yourself, you’re also saving future employees or coworkers the pain of having to go through the same ordeal. Present your evidence up the chain of command and keep your cool. You’ve done everything right and justice will be on your side.It will take time, but things will get better- and you’ll have done your part to make your workplace safer for everyone. Be confident and secure in yourself and stay strong in your fight for fairness.How to Survive a Bully Boss

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Thanking a Professor for Writing a Recommendation Letter

Thanking a Professor for Writing a Recommendation Letter Recommendation letters are vital to your graduate school application. Its likely that you will need at least three letters and it can be hard to determine who to ask. Once you have professors in mind, they  agree to write a letter, and your application is submitted, your next step should be a simple thank you note showing your appreciation. Letters of recommendation  are a lot of work for professors and they  are asked to write a number of them each year. Unfortunately, the majority of students dont bother with a follow-up. Why Send a Thank-You Note? At its most basic, taking a few minutes to send a thank-you note is a common act of courtesy for someone who has taken the time to do you a favor, but it can also work to your benefit.A thank-you note helps you stand out from the other students and will help keep you in the writers good graces. After all, you may need a letter again in the future for another school or even a job. Recommendation Letters An effective grad school recommendation letter explains the basis for the evaluation. It may be based on your performance in the classroom, your  work as a research assistant  or a mentee, or any other interaction you had with faculty. Professors often take great pains to write letters that honestly discuss your potential for graduate study. They will take the time to include  specific details and examples that illustrate why youre a  good fit for the graduate program. They will also consider other factors to suggest that you will be successful in grad school and beyond. Their letters are not simply saying, Shell do great. Writing helpful letters takes time, effort, and considerable thought. Professors do not take this lightly and theyre not required to do it.  Whenever someone does something of this magnitude for you, its nice to  show your appreciation for their time and attention. Offer a Simple Thank You Graduate school is a big deal  and your professors are playing an important role in helping you get there. A thank you letter need not be lengthy or overly detailed. A  simple note will do. You can do this as soon as the application is in, though you might also want to follow-up once youre accepted to share your good news. Your thank you letter can be a nice email. Its certainly the quicker option, but your professors may also appreciate a simple card. Mailing a letter is not out of style and a handwritten letter has a personal  touch. It shows that you wanted to spend extra time to thank them for the time they put into your letter. Now that youre convinced that sending a letter is a good idea, what do you write? Below is a sample but you should tailor it to your situation and your relationship with your professor. A Sample Thank You Note Dear Dr. Smith, Thank you for taking the time to write on my behalf for my graduate school application. I appreciate your support throughout this process. I will keep you updated about my progress in applying to graduate school. Thanks again for your assistance. It is much appreciated. Sincerely, Sally

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Finding Darwin's God Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Finding Darwin's God - Assignment Example Miller holds the point that thought scientist might explain their understanding of the Universe in terms of the quantum physics theories; however, every theory has its influence from the supreme creator called God.   Quantum theory of physics observes the Universe as a combination of smallest or discreet parts such as atoms, nuclei, and subnuclear parts. Miller observes that these discreet particles, when combined in a random fashion, might have chances to result in unpredictable happenings in the world. In other words, the microscopic particles identified by quantum physics would combine to end up in macroscopic events; this unpredictability, Miller calls as the central property of matter. On the other hand, God, who created innumerable things in the same way as the combination of discreet particles influence the world with unpredictable events. Miller’s argument tries to build strong logical compatibility between the quantum theory, the evolution made by God, in terms of u npredictability, Miller seems to have maintained an acceptable logical statement that science and religion have unpredictable things in common. This could be understood in with the help of many events, which has happened in the course of years. If the scientists could consider the first report of Tsunami, Katherina and various tremors occurrences as unpredictable, then the same could also be argued in terms of some supernatural influence holding the earth. In this sense, Miller wins his argument.  Miller observes that creationists have the belief that natural science ends up with supernatural conclusions, but he differentiates religion and natural science clearly. There exists meaning for everything made by God and hence his creation holds his identity, so there is nothing-logical present in evolution and thus they believe that there is God argues creationists whereas evolutionists argue that there is logical reasoning for everything in the world.

Friday, October 18, 2019

CODE OF ETHICS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

CODE OF ETHICS - Essay Example I hope that the code of ethics that I have come up with would be of interest to you and inspire others who have plans to be a healthcare associate. Sincerely yours, Name of Student My Code of Ethics as a Healthcare Associate A healthcare professional is a person that people trust to provide them not only with medical attention but also treatment that is fair and appropriate according to the policies and laws governing healthcare. Therefore, as an ethical healthcare professional, I will ensure that I meet, if not exceed, the statements below in practicing my profession. I. To practice integrity and respect at all times ensuring that I uphold the values and regulations set by the healthcare system that I work for. II. To avoid exploitation of one’s position in order to achieve financial or personal gain at the expense of others. III. To value the trust given by the people and retreat from transactions or activities that could affect or have a negative impact on the healthcare sy stem or the profession. IV. To treat everyone fairly and avoid discrimination at all times. V. To take on jobs that one can proficiently handle and has ample knowledge on based on trainings and experience on the subject. VI. To establish trust from patients as well as colleagues by helping in providing an environment that is safe and free from harassment, violations and any actions that give off a negative light on the system. VII. To provide sufficient information to patients to enable them make an informed decision regarding their health. VIII. To be truthful and honest in all forms of transactions with employees and patients. IX. To report any abuse on these codes to the ethics committee. As a healthcare practitioner, it is very important to adhere to the policies set by the healthcare system that one works for. Codes of ethics are in place for a reason (Dominion, 2010). By practicing integrity and respect not only to patients but also to colleagues, the environment becomes such that the transactions and/or interactions with everyone is done with integrity, respect for life and other’s opinions and preferences. It is sometimes unavoidable for people in position to exploit the power they have over others. It is very important that the people who can do something remain honest and with integrity so that the healthcare system continues to be trusted by the public. Using one’s power in order to advance another is not only selfish but also wrong. (American College of Healthcare Executives [ACHE], 1996) It sheds a negative image on the healthcare system and its workers. Therefore, when one can be paid off or be coerced whether by money or by other means, it becomes something that in very untrustworthy. One of the most important factors in this type of business is trust, therefore, by being fair and just, trust can be established. Earning the trust of patients is a little difficult since one has to establish credibility not only on giving them the co rrect solution to their concerns but also in keeping their confidences. Patients must have the peace of mind that their concerns or issues are kept at the strictest confidence and that it will not be disclosed to anyone else at any cost. (ACHE, 1996) This same principle goes to

Alternative Pain Therapy Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 8750 words

Alternative Pain Therapy - Research Paper Example Tragedies that could otherwise been avoided have motivated me to do the research and study options of minimizing pain and assess whether they are better compared to the conventional methods being used. I would like to acknowledge my friends and family for their unwavering support throughout the research time. I would also like to thank and acknowledge my course professor and supervisor whose support and guidance really helped me to successfully complete this research paper. Abstract This project was titled alternative chronic pain treatments due to the idea that came up to me as result of the several tragic fatalities linked to analgesics that have occurred. Analgesics have been used to treat pains for quite a long time, but an incident in Afghanistan where a soldier massacred seventeen people due to side effects of the drug raised lots of concern. The literature review will further look at the various researches that have been associated with the side effects of analgesics. Differen t statistical reports and researches are illustrated in the literature review to back up these numerous theories. The motivation for this paper was large due to the fact that when solving a problem, there is always the endeavor to make the situation better than it was. However, this was not the case for the analgesics. As we will see in the literature review, soldiers are tremendously being affected by side effects of analgesics. From this observation, it can be said authoritatively that the study into the alternative pain relief methods is justified. The methodology went ahead and used descriptive statistical technique for its reliability and for the fact that it can be used comprehensively with both qualitative and quantitative statistical techniques. This gave room for the data to be collected through the various ways associated to the two different techniques. The data collection was done through structured questionnaires that were well pre-tested and administered to the target population. The data analysis was performed through Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS), and the data presented using tables and figures. CHAPTER ONE Introduction Pain in human bodies always reflects an injury that requires medical attention and care. The nervous system is triggered to send information and alert the brain of a possible injury within the body. On the other hand, chronic pain is a very persistent and constant pain that never goes, it keeps occurring causing a lot of discomfort and inconvenience to an individual (National Institute of Health, 2013). Body pain causes a lot of discomfort to an individual irrespective of the short period of time they may take. Therefore, constant and repeatedly painful occurrence such as chronic pains should be addressed with the seriousness they deserve. Effective methods of handling the pain and helping the affected people feel relieved and better is indispensable (National Institu

Management status Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Management status - Essay Example This therefore implies that it is important to make sure that the workforce is satisfied and relating well with one another. A workforce that is well motivated, working as a team, and has a good working environment are all ingredients required for success of any business. It is upon the management to build of any business to ensure that there is team work I the organization, and that the workforce is motivated. In building employee motivation there is need for the management to create a strong foundation that should act as the main driving force of the employees. Building a foundation involves revisiting the organization’s mission, vision and objectives. It is important to make sure that all employees are fully aware of the organization’s vision, mission, and objectives. This is important since it gives a guideline on what the organization as a whole is working towards. Additionally, knowledge of the mission, vision, and objectives is important for employees to make a self-assessment to determine if they are in correspondence with individual career goals and aspirations. Correspondence of individual career goals with goals of the organization brings a sense of belonging and therefore there are higher chances of feeling motivated. This should be done frequently new employees joining the organization in order to ensure that the entire workforce is well motivated. It is upon the management to build a conducive and welcoming atmosphere within the organization in a bid to motivate the workforce. A good working environment motivates employees and there are hardly any cases of absenteeism. This is because a conducive atmosphere in work places makes employees feel important and comfortable. It is extremely easy to handle all forms of work related challenges when employees are in a comfortable environment. The management should ensure that employees feel comfortable to approach them with all questions regarding work. For instance, the

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Identify an organisation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Identify an organisation - Essay Example As a result, ExxonMobil has benefit from suitable competitive advantages, in addition to market leadership. ExxonMobil is organized on a geographical level besides having an effective leadership and focus on the firm’s objectives. The organization of ExxonMobil is dependent on business services and geographical location. The firm has functional groups that are categorized into three crucial operating divisions. The three groups are the upstream, downstream and chemicals division (Coll, 2012). The upstream management level or division of the firm dominates the firm’s cash flow. This division accounts for 70 percent of ExxonMobil’s revenues. The upstream division is responsible for business activities such as oil exploration, extraction, shipping and wholesaling. These operations have their headquarters at Texas. The downstream operations oversee business activities such as marketing, refining and retailing. These operations are dependent on the firm’s Virgi nia operations. The chemical division oversees business activities that involve the production and use of chemicals in the operations of the firm. This division has its headquarters in Texas. ExxonMobil has over 82,000 employees located in different locations globally. These employees support the activities of the three organizational levels by ensuring that the organization achieves stability in operations. It is worth stating that ExxonMobil has different brands such as Exxon, Esso and Mobil. The firm also owns subsidiaries such as Imperial Oil Limited and SeaRiver Maritime (Coll, 2012). ExxonMobil’s upstream division has operations such as â€Å"ExxonMobil Upstream Ventures, ExxonMobil Exploration Company, ExxonMobil Development Company, ExxonMobil Production Company, ExxonMobil Gas and Power Marketing Company and ExxonMobil Upstream Research Company† (ExxonMobil, 2013). Downstream operations are achieved by the activities of â€Å"Sea River Maritime, Lubricant & S pecialties Marketing Company, ExxonMobil Refining and Supply Company, ExxonMobil Research and Engineering Company, ExxonMobil Fuels and International Marine Transportation† (ExxonMobil, 2013). Operations of the chemical division are achieved through the activities of ExxonMobil Chemical Company. Flat or Tall Organization According to the organizational structure used by ExxonMobil, and the firm’s website, ExxonMobil is a flat organization. This means that the firm provides effective communication and interactive platforms (Bhairaw & Manoj, 2012). At ExxonMobil, every employee, regardless of level, status or job description can approach anyone at the firm and ask questions or share perspectives. ExxonMobil has an informative atmosphere. The flat organizational structure is based on ExxonMobil’s hierarchical structure. This structure was important because it helped the group access one of the firm’s representatives. The representative helped in filling out t he survey form. Tall organizational structures rely on traditional corporate structures that have mid-base and upper management levels. Tall organizational structures feature complex hierarchies that lead to long management chains (Bhairaw & Manoj, 2012). As the organization expands, the management levels increase. Managers form numerous ranks that control reduced numbers of employees or areas of the organization. Flat organizational structures have minimum management levels

War Dances Response Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

War Dances Response - Essay Example The diverse nature of human poses several challenges in the relationships present in the human society. The ability to contain these challenges however leads to development of beneficial relationships and overall harmonious co-existence of the society. In his book â€Å"war dances† Sherman Alexie explores a wide range of social issues and in so doing he demonstrates several relationships between various characters in his stories and poems. The characters in the stories and poems illustrate the reality present in the current day society, and gives particular focus to individuals and relationships characterized by hazardous sets of events and at times leading to some irreversible consequences. Many of the relationships explored involve male characters, and mainly involve fathers and sons in a native Indian cultural background. A typical example is the relationship between the senator son with his best friend Jeremy, in which the senator son is driven in psychological confusion a nd great anger by the experience of learning that his best friend is a gay (Alexie 75). He cannot conceive the fact that his best friend is a gay and as a result, he disowns him. This relationship further echoes the diverse nature of humankind, in terms of thinking, actions and perspective, and further illustrates the fact that our very social interaction should not be limited by our diverse nature. ... General relationship between an individual and his immediate society emphasized, how one is perceived by his society is of critical importance. The episode illustrates the caring nature of the senator son; he was deeply touched and angered by the experience of learning that his best friend was a gay. The conservative or secretive nature of Jeremy the senator son best friend is also evident as he managed to conceal his true identity from his best friend despite the fact that they were very close friends. The â€Å"ghost dance† illustrates the strength of bonds that binds relationships in the native Indian society, which is characterized by a set of customs and practices such as cultural dances to cement its solidarity and togetherness. The dance serves as an identity of the common challenges encountered by this group of native Indians, and according to them, dancing this well was supposed to lead or deliver the community into freedom. The bonds in this society are not even limi ted by academic achievements as illustrated by the professor who despite his academic achievements is said to remain loyal or an addict to the indigenous ways of native Indians life. A contrast between the old who always stick to their traditions despite their big achievements and the modern youths is depicted from this episode. There is also the illustration of a father-son relationship characterized by affection and disappointment that depicts a farther who is an alcoholic despite the fact that he is diabetic. The son’s deep affection for his father makes him disappointed by his father’s behavior, and a sense of irresponsibility and lack of mentorship by parents to their children is